We play "5 questions" with our friends a lot. We play it randomly - during road trips to pass car-time, via BBM on Sunday nights when the anxiety sets in, dinner parties to keep the conversation going, sometimes even mid-day/mid-week I'll get a random 5 question text - name your favorite season.
Technically, we play 1 question or 2 question more often than 5. I love this game because I've learned things about my friends (and even my husband) that I never knew.
In the spirit of sharing because I've got my ipod playing for background noise while working today, here are some of my top picks by artist in true "5-question" style:
1) What is your favorite Elton John song? Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters
2) What is your favorite Van Morrison song? Spanish Rose
3) What is your favorite Beatles song? There are too many to list! We recently saw LOVE in Vegas and it turned me on to Octopus's Garden but can't say that's my favorite. That question is too hard to answer.
4) What is your favorite Jimmy Buffet song? A Pirate Looks at Forty (2nd: Who's the Blonde Stranger)
5) What is your favorite Pogues song? Love you till the End (2nd: Fairytale of New York)
If you think one of your favorites is less than obvious - shoot me a note at growingmaplewood@gmail.com, I'm always up for tyring something new.